When to use dipped lights when to use full beam lights?

May 2nd, 2022

When to use dipped lights when to use full beam lights?

Firstly, if your car has daytime running lights these are, as the name suggests what you use during the daytime. It can also be better to use your tail lights with the side lights / corner lights. However, the RSA do recommend using dipped headlights during the day. Their slogan being, “It’s a bright idea.” The logic behind this is that the brighter lights make it easier to to be noticed by other drivers. On this basis, you can and should use dipped lights throughout the day.

When must you use dipped lights?

There are times when it is definitely best to use dipped headlights. These include; dusk, dawn, well light areas at night and when there is anyone in front of you that may be “blinded” by your full beam lights.

When must you use full beam lights?

If you are on a dark road with nobody in front of you, this is when you should use full beam lights to see the road ahead better. But be ready to dip them if anyone comes into view.

Now you know when to use dipped lights when to use full beam lights.

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