Trial of Sat Navs during Driving tests

March 11th, 2019

Trial of Sat Navs during Driving tests

The RSA intend to introduce an Independent Driving element to the category B driving test on a pilot basis over the week of 20/5/2019 in the Raheny Test centre. The pilot will mirror the Independent drive methodology used in the UK ( with directions given via a Sat Nav device) but will for the purpose of the pilot last approximately 10 minutes. Many videos are available on YouTube which may help those not familiar with the format.

The assessment of faults will not change or be altered in any way by the inclusion of the Sat Nav device, any driving faults which occur will be graded and recorded as is the case at present.
The Sat Nav device which will be supplied and set up by the tester is a basic TomTom 52 Start unit, initially for training purposes most Sat Nav devices or smart phones would suffice.
ADI’s as major stakeholders will be asked for their feedback via a feedback form which will be provided and it is hoped for as full an input from ADIs as possible.
Test candidates will also be asked for feedback via a short feedback. ADI’s should encourage their clients to participate in providing feedback which will help to shape any future roll out and
implementation of Independent driving.

As of yet there are no results from the RSA Trial of Sat Navs during Driving tests.

Trial of Sat Navs during Driving tests

Category: Uncategorized