Mobile Phones and Driving
September 20th, 2012
Mobile Phones and Driving
Your driving instructor can advise you on all safety issues, including Mobile Phones and Driving.
RSA Press Release.
The Road Safety Authority (RSA) has this week launched its new Mobile Phones and Driving campaign. Your mobile phone makes you four times more likely to crash. And when you consider that driver distraction plays a role in 20-30% of all road collisions, phone use and driving is an issue that we all need to think differently about.
In today’s world, mobile phones demand more and more of our attention. From calls to texting to using the Internet, we spend more time than ever with our entire focus devoted to our phones. This can be much worse than rude – behind the wheel it can be lethal.
Our latest campaign which will run for four weeks, shows exactly how mobile phones take up all of our attention. On our TV commercial, we see the world from a skewed perspective – the perspective of a mobile phone user. It’s a cramped and claustrophobic world, and we can’t concentrate on our surroundings. It’s only finally when we put our phones away, that we can see objectively, and see our surroundings safely.
We’re asking drivers to realise how their phones take their attention away from the task at hand. And having your full attention is never more important than when you have the lives of other road users in your hands.
This same insight will be rolled out in different guises across all media channels. It’s a constant reminder of the critical importance of keeping your mind wholly focused on the road, and, as the ad reminds us: it won’t kill you to put it away. The campaign consists of a 50” and a 30” TV advert, a radio 30” radio advert and various online aspects. Information on the campaign can be found in the campaigns section of the RSA website

Category: RSA Press Release