Welcome to the Unite ADI Union page. Click on some of the tabs below to find out more or click here to join.

    1. Member’s Bulletin # 1

      ADI Unite Union
      Members Bulletin (Number 1) 24 September 2020Introduction04/08/20 – On a windy night in Finglas test centre a Unite union committee for ADI driving instructors was established. Congratulations to all elected.CommitteeChairperson: Dominic Brophy (Dublin 9).
      Secretary: Darragh Dunne.
      Equality Officer: Laura Broxson.
      Treasurer: Rita Kennedy (Ballisodore, Co Sligo).
      Auditor: James Mooney (Drung, Co Cavan).
      Learning Representative: Aidan Jordan (Leixlip, Co Kildare).
      Recruitment Officers: Brian Hewitt (Co Meath)
      Unite Union Representative: Jean O Dowd, Unite
      Unite Liaison Officer: Laura BroxsonLaura updates Jean daily with any emails, letters or calls as necessaryTo all the members of the Committee, who have made phone calls and sent emails, I wish to acknowledge and thank you for the work that you have done. Apologies if I have missed any activities from members, as there has been an abundance of work carried out on our behalf to date.First Committee meeting 11/08/20Refer Appendix 1We have many objectives to achieve and it is best to divide these up and show the work that has been done to date.Reverse Manoeuvre – Tester exiting the vehicle:• 08/08/20 Rita called into local Garda station to enquire, Garda information number given 071 9157045 which keeps ringing out.
      • 08/08/20 Brian Hewitt called into Finglas Garda station.
      • 10/08/20 Rita followed up call to Garda department.
      • 12/08/20 Darragh shared contact details of Garda stations in Ireland and also got a non-informative reply.
      • 13/08/20 xxx, Ocean FM asked the RSA to comment, No response.
      • 13/08/20 Dominic emailed a senior member of the RSA for legal clarification on stepping out of the vehicle.
      • 13/08/20 Thank you to a union member who highlighted this issue on Ocean FM radio station.
      • 14/08/20 Jean from Union wrote to Chief Superintendent Garda National Roads Policing Bureau on this issue.
      • 17/08/20 Darragh asked Jean from Unite to ask their solicitor for advice on tester exiting the vehicle.
      17/08/20 Dominic received a reply from a senior member of the RSA;
      o “This is permissible in law and has happened for years as a matter of course for HGV tests” and “accompanied rule does not apply to driving test.”
      • 20/08/20 Darragh received email from First Ireland to say that the insurance aspect of this manoeuvre is covered and they could not comment on the “legal aspect”.
      • 20/08/20 Rita rang First Ireland and asked for it in writing from AIG that insurance was covered.
      • 23/08/20 James suggested a sticker on passenger side of car requesting the driving tester not to leave the vehicle while it is moving with unaccompanied learner.Union Membership – How many members?Jean O Dowd is our regional officer and contact person with Unite Union.• 10/08/20 Questions put to Rita on “how many members?”
      • 10/08/20 James suggested doing up an information pack and application forms to get new members.
      • 10/08/20 A member introduced an ADI from Clonmel to the “Friends” group who has had previous dealings with the RSA.
      • 10/08/20 A member suggested having a vote to add people temporarily to the members Whatsapp to see what the members were doing.
      • 10/08/20 Darragh sites GDPR as reasons to not allowing ADI”s to temporarily join Union members Whatsapp.
      • 15/08/20 Laura drafted a “Welcome Letter” for new members.
      • 17/08/20 Darragh suggested doing mailing lists to contact ADI’s in each county.
      • 17/08/20 James commented that an ADI had difficulty joining Unite membership page. This seems to be a common theme.
      • 17/08/20 Laura drafted membership campaign on ADI Unite Facebook Page.
      • 18/08/20 Laura started sending out Unite information to fellow instructors.
      • 19/08/20 Rita started sending out Unite information to fellow instructors.
      • 23/08/20 Rita emailed bigger schools in Sligo, Mayo and Donegal.ADI Permit Extension – Driving licences renewal extended because of Covid.• 10/08/20 Laura received reply email from a member of the RSA that ADI permits would NOT be extended because of Covid payment. Case Number 2020116180.
      • 11/08/20 Dominic wrote to the RSA. They replied stating “it my require a change in current legislation”. Request will be sent to Department Transport, Tourism and Sport.
      • 18/08/20 Discussed at stakeholder forum, extension has been granted between 3-6 months. Waiting on RSA confirmation.
      • 23/08/20 Laura put up a thank you message on Unite Facebook page to the people who have worked on this.Back to work safety protocols from the RSA:

      An ADI from Wexford has been in the media highlighting the lack of safety protocols for ADI’s returning to work since July. We value her as a friend of the ADI union.

      • 11/08/20 James wrote to Niamh Smyth TD to ask questions in The Dail about the lack of clear back to work guidelines for driving instructors from the RSA.
      • 19/08/20 A member received a reply to a large number of emails sent on this issue, from the HSA advising that the RSA had already issued Q and A format guidelines to driving instructors. They also added a link to back to work safety guidelines for driving instructors from British Columbia.
      • 20/08/20 RSA send out this link from British Columbia to all driving instructors in Ireland.
      • 24/08/20 A member received a reply from the RSA advising that the protocols from British Columbia were sent to all ADI’s from the RSA on the request of the HSA

      Self-employed small business grant up to €1,000:

      • 12/08/20 Brian made enquiries about how ADI’s would get this grant.
      • 13/08/20 Brain was in contact with relevant departments to get updated information.
      14/08/20 Back to work business grant form available online. Link here:

      Thank You Brian for working on this and we can consider topic closed.

      ADI stakeholder forum: Does it represent all ADI’s?

      • 12/08/20 Dominic drafted questions in relation to forum:
      o How long can panel members remain on the forum?
      o Can a forum member who owns a large driving school be elected by employees?
      o Did a forum members company operate in breach of Covid lockdown rules?
      • 12/08/20 Jean from Unite wrote to RSA about representations of ADI’s and the current forum and asked for a Unite member at forum meetings, standard reply from a senior member of the RSA that forum is point of contact for all ADI’s.
      • 12/08/20 Aidan wrote to the RSA requesting that questions asked on his behalf be answered by the RSA to Unite Union.
      • 12/08/20 Aidan emailed each of the ADI stakeholders forum members to see if they were happy to be the sole contact points for ADI’s in Ireland. One forum member has replied to date.
      • 12/08/20 Darragh found out that we have an election due in the autumn for stakeholder forum members to be re-elected. No members on the forum representing Kildare or Carlow. Three forum members have been on the panel since 2011.
      • 15/08/20 Laura drafted post on Facebook to ask ADI union members to request Unite ADI member at stakeholder meeting.
      • 17/08/20 James emailed his forum reps. Reply?
      • 18/08/20 Aidan sent text to Forum members before their meeting to ask the question at meeting: “What happens if an ADI cannot get a response from Forum member?
      • 18/08/20 ADI stakeholder forum meeting, waiting to see if any decision made on appointment of panel members.
      • 21/08/20 Aidan received a reply from a senior member of the RSA, that they would bring up at next stakeholder meeting, forum members not replying to questions from ADI’s.

      Toilet Facilities – withdrawn from RSA operated driving test centres:

      • 08/08/20 Aidan wrote to RSA, OPW and RSA to highlight this and dangers of people walking around car parks. No reply to date.
      • 10/08/20 Darragh emailed HSE and RSA over safety of car park as a waiting area.
      • 13/08/20 Dominic emailed a senior member of the RSA on the issue.
      • 14/08/20 Dominic was in contact HSA to discuss this issue.
      • 15/08/20 Laura drafted post on ADI unite Facebook page to highlight issue.
      • 17/08/20 James contacted forum member before they met on 18/08/20 to query this.
      • 17/08/20 a senior member of the RSA replied to Dominic that this was closed for “contact tracing measure”. Reply sent.
      • 19/08/20 Dominic spoke with the head of Transport Safety Unit with the HSA. The HSA has not given advice to lock people out of toilets at driving test centres. She advised that testers are required to clean down cars when exiting after driving test.
      • 19/08/20 An Inspector with the Transport Safety Unit HSA emailed Dominic and stated “The HSA has no statutory function in relation to the management of the driver testing regime and how the RSA runs its network of test centre facilities” Reply sent from Dominic.
      • 19/08/20 A member made a video standing outside Finglas Test Centre https://www.facebook.com/467883596625541/posts/3189902984423575/?vh=e&extid=loKv4iqMeliqbQlv&d=n
      • 20/08/20 Rita took a video from her local NCT test centre where there was waiting room for 2 people and toilets available.

      Finglas Driving Test Centre Unofficial Protest – every Friday 10am:

      Since early July we have been holding a protest outside the largest driving test centre in Ireland to highlight the lack of RESPECT driving instructors are treated with from the RSA. It is an opportunity for all driving instructors to gather for an hour to discuss issues and show the RSA how we feel. This may become an official Unite protest in the future.

      • 15/08/20 Laura drafted up templates for posters that we can get printed off to be professional at protests.
      • 15/08/20 Rita put up post on Sligo ADI Whatsapp group to show the protests taking place in Dublin and seek support for local protest.
      • 15/08/20 Laura drafted leaflet to hand out to members of the public at protests.

      Thank you, to all who have attended over the past few weeks and apologies if I omitted anyone.

      ADI Check Test – one of the issues highlighted with ADI member survey

      • 15/08/20 Committee meeting suggested replacement similar to CPC.
      • 15/08/20 Aidan commented that a full day CPC each year would take up more time than a check test.
      • 15/08/20 Rita suggested a half-day workshop or a check test with pass/ fail omitted.
      • 15/08/20 James suggested no check test, 4-hour workshop every 2 years.
      15/08/20 A member suggested workshop type format to bounce ideas.
      23/08/20 James found check test guidelines for testers and made comparison for a new model for ADI’s.

      ADI check test – Difficult to conduct during Covid:

      • 12/08/20 Rita queried if not attending check test could affect permit renewal.
      18/08/20 Discussed at stakeholder forum, due to resume in September with tester playing role of student. Waiting on RSA confirmation.

      EDT Review 2019 – An issue Aidan has been researching since 2012:

      The EDT review 2019 came after the previous review in 2012, which was an answer from the RSA to use on all EDT related questions. If this review is adopted then we will not be able to pose any questions on EDT until next review in 2027. The good news is the 2019 review has failed in its methodology and stakeholder research involvement.

      • 13/08/20-17/08/20 A detailed report on the failings of EDT review was placed on ADI main Facebook page. It is quite a labour intensive report to pick through.
      • 18/08/20 Aidan started online petition to gather signatures calling for review to be completed again.
      • 18/08/20 Stakeholder forum meeting discussed and RSA said it would resume in October as Martin Mc Nulty is retiring on 4th September.
      • 19/08/20 Aidan wrote to Catherine Murphy TD, Darren O Rourke TD and RSA to query EDT review.

      Unite press office looking for official hash tag,;
      Unite suggestion – DriveTogether.
      Aidan suggested ADI-United.

      The committee continue to take calls from ADI’s throughout Ireland and put any questions to the panel where more consultation is needed.


      ADIU Minutes 04/08/2020

      Approved Driving Instructors Union.

      Minutes 4/8/20. Location Finglas Test Centre Car Park.

      Attending the physical meeting:
      Dominic Brophy
      Darragh Dunne
      Laura Broxson
      Brian Hewitt
      Philip Kirwan
      Albert Mulligan

      A greeting was given to those watching and listening on Zoom. It was explained that only those physically present were able to nominate, second and vote. As the meeting was being held outside on a windy night we moved straight on to the nominations.

      Chairperson – Dominic Brophy was nominated by Laura Broxson & seconded by AM.

      Secretary – Darragh Dunne was nominated by PK & seconded by Brian Hewitt.

      Equality Officer – Laura Broxson was nominated by Darragh Dunne & seconded by Dominic Brophy.

      Treasurer – Rita Kennedy was nominated by Darragh Dunne & seconded by Laura Broxson.

      Auditor – James Mooney was nominated by Darragh Dunne & seconded by AM.

      Learning Representative – Aidan Jordan was nominated by Darragh Dunne & seconded by PK.

      Recruit Officiers – Brian Hewitt was nominated by Dominic Brophy & seconded by AM.


      All of the above were elected unanimously by those in attendance.

      The meeting closed with a promise to have indoor Zoom meeting to discuss our issues and physical meeting in different parts of the country. Thanks to those who were able to attend.

    2. Member’s Bulletin # 2

      ADI Unite Union Members
      Bulletin (Number 2)
      27 September 2020

      EDT REVIEW 2019 6
      OTHER 6


      Chairperson: Dominic Brophy
      Secretary: Darragh Dunne
      Equality Officer: Laura Broxson.
      Treasurer: Rita Kennedy
      Auditor: J James Mooney
      Learning Representative: Aidan Jordan
      Recruitment Officers: Brian Hewitt

      Our Union rep is Jean O Dowd, Unite and Laura keeps her updated daily with any emails, letters or calls.

      ADI Union Zoom Meetings – 25/08/20, 15/09/20. 22/09/20

      Formal meeting between Laura and Dominic with Jean (Unite Union Representative) on 07/09/20 to discuss all the issues below.

      Darragh started a web page for ADI Unite Union: https://adidriving.ie/unite-adi-union

      Reverse Manoeuvre – Tester exiting the vehicle


      • Jean received confirmation from the Garda National Roads Policing Bureau that the “accompanied” driver rule does not apply on a driving test. There is No reference to “while under instruction” in the current act. They go on to state that the rule of being unaccompanied does not apply if you hold a valid certificate of competency.
      • A member emailed PARC Group , the Clancy law was drafted with their assistance.
      • James also emailed PARC to highlight issue.
      • Laura issued a media statement on Garda clarification.

      Union Membership – How many members?

      Posters printed from Unite with type-setting by Laura.


      • Dominic asks Union Members to help with recruitment drive
      • Friends of Union Whatsapp group used to encourage new members.
      • James texted Cavan, Monaghan ADI’s.
      • Rita contacted ADI’s in Sligo, Donegal and Leitrim.

      • James contacted all Longford ADI’s
      • Rita contacted all Roscommon and Galway ADI’s.


      • Laura contacted all Cork ADI”s.
      • Brian contacted all Limerick ADI’s.
      • A member contacted all Wexford ADI’s.

      27/09/20 Darragh contacted Meath, Dublin and Westmeath ADI’s


      • Laura contacted all Louth and Laois ADI’s.
      • Aidan contacted all Kildare ADI’s
      • James contacted all Kerry ADI’s.
      • The remaining counties were canvassed with the help of ADI Union committee.

      • Laura did Facebook post about legal services and advice available to Union members.
      • James sent email to ADI’s in Cavan

      27/09/20 Laura designed a campaign leaflet

      ADI Permit Extension

      31/08/20 Laura received reply from a Forum rep, has been approved at last forum meeting waiting on sign off from RSA.

      05/09/20 Laura does a media campaign to highlight stopping of check tests and ADI permit extension.

      12/09/20 Laura sends email to RSA and Minister Ryan about updates on ADI permit extension agreed at August stakeholder forum meeting.

      14/09/20 RSA email Laura and say there is NO extension planned for ADI permits as the government provided a Covid payment.

      • Email from RSA confirming 4-month extension to all ADI permits.
      • Laura put up media post on Facebook.

      Well done to everyone who worked so hard on this campaign.

      Back to work safety protocols from the RSA

      • RSA issue press statement about difficulties resuming driver testing. No mention of ADI’s as a stakeholder in delivery of driver training. https://www.thejournal.ie/driving-tests-covid-19-5183538-Aug2020/
      • Paul gets reply from RSA saying that link from French Columbia on back to work protocols was from HSA who requested the RSA to share.

      • A member gets reply from RSA saying logbook should be completed during Covid.
      • A member gets reply from RSA saying once lessons are uploaded promptly then No need to complete logbook.

      • Darragh receives reply from Data Protection Commission in relation to the issue of handling logbooks during Covid. They recommended we contact the Road Safety Authority’s data protection officer to request clarification on the use of EDT log books.
      Self-employed small business grant up to €1,000

      29/08/20 Laura did media post to highlight that grant is available now for all ADI’s.
      ADI Stakeholder forum: Does it represent all ADI’s?

      31/08/20 Dominic makes enquiry to the RSA about what ADI’s should do where they receive No reply to contact with their forum representative.

      18/09/20 Laura got a reply to question about only two female ADI’s on forum since its formation. The RSA replied that the election process is open to all ADI’s.

      Waiting room Facilities – withdrawn from RSA operated driving test centres

      24/08/20 Darragh receives a response from the HSA.

      “It is not unreasonable for workers who visit a work premises, for example, drivers making collections or deliveries, to request and be given access to toilet or hand washing facilities. In the present public health crisis and with the need to keep critical supply chains operating, companies who are relying on workers such as drivers to deliver/ take goods from their sites should make adequate and appropriate arrangements for drivers to avail of hand washing and toilet facilities at their premises.”

      25/08/20 John gets response from HSA saying that withdrawal of facilities is solely an RSA or Department of Transport decision.

      • Brian records video while waiting in the rain at Finglas driving test center.
      • Laura designed posters that we can share and print.

      28/08/20 Dominic records video outside Finglas Test Centre in the rain.

      30/08/20 Brian shares photograph of Fonthill NCT test centre waiting room and toilet facilities open.

      31/08/20 Airport Driving School offer use of their business toilets beside Finglas test centre.

      01/09/20 Jean made contact with Forsa who are the union representing driving testers. They are taking a firm stance on this issue and she will try and arrange a formal meeting between Unite and Forsa unions on this issue. Jean has also made contact with NPHET to boost our argument.

      02/08/20 James sent an email to the RSA in relation to a gentleman standing in the rain with two-year-old child while waiting for wife to return from the driving test. Had driven from Dublin to get a quicker test date.

      03/09/20 A member posted a video outside Tallaght Test Centre, over 7,000 views.

      04/09/20 Darragh receives reply from Workplace Relations Commission. They said these are not matters they deal with and referred us to the Health and Safety Authority.

      05/09/20 James sends email to Minister for Transport highlighting the need to provide facilities to people waiting for driving test candidates at driving test centres.

      07/09/20 Donal sent email to Eamonn Ryan.

      10/09/20 Dominic sends email to Eamonn Ryan expressing disappointment that no reply has been received from his email sent in August.

      13/09/20 Laura emails RSA and Minister Ryan to enquire if alternative facilities could be provided to help people wash hands and shelter.
      Laura also continues this with media post.

      14/09/20 Rita does up two videos at Sligo test centre highlighting the amount of space to provide facilities.

      14/09/20 James emails Minister O’ Rourke.

      16/09/20 Dominic emails Minister of state Hildegard Naughton who now has responsibility for Transport.

      23/09/20 James sent email to Pearse Doherty, Covid 19 Special committee.

      24/09/20 James receives reply from Darren O Rourke TD saying he will raise our concerns with the RSA.

      25/09/20 Militant Left recorded video interview with Laura.

      26/09/20 Laura sent email to Dessie Ellis (Sinn Fein), Roisin Shorthall (Social Democrats) and Paul Mc Auliffe (Fianna Fail).

      Driving Test Centre Unofficial Protest – every Friday 10am

      28/08/20 Finglas protest undertaken with 6+ attendees.
      04/09/20 Finglas protest undertaken
      18/09/20 8+ ADI’s at Sligo protest, Waterford 10+ and Finglas 5+.
      19/09/20 James had a protest in Cavan.
      21/09/20 James had a protest in Cavan.
      25/09/20 Finglas protest undertaken with 6+ attendees.

      Big day of protest planned for 02/10/20, Laura did media campaign on Facebook.

      ADI Check Test – one of the issues highlighted with ADI member survey

      24/08/20 Rita advised us that ADI in Sligo has check test 05/10/20, this is the first notification of check tests re-starting.

      05/09/20 Darragh drafts letter to be sent to the RSA and Minister for Transport in relation to the unnecessary need for ADI check test during Covid.

      07/09/20 A member sent email to a senior member of the RSA, re Professor Aine Carroll.


      • A member got a reply from RSA to say check tests will continue.
      • A member got a reply from RSA to say check tests will continue.
      • DA member got a reply from Eamonn Ryan to contact Minister Hildegarde Naughton.

      18/09/20 Laura posts media update on Facebook.

      21/09/20 Check tests taken place during Dublin level 3 restrictions. Laura did media campaign on Unite Facebook to highlight issue.

      EDT Review 2019

      18/08/20 Started a petition on “Go Petition”to get support from ADI’s for the following:
      “We, the undersigned, call on the Road Safety Authority Ireland, to accept that the EDT Review 2019 is flawed and it is essential that a further independent review is undertaken incorporating all stakeholders involved in learner driver training.”

      To date we have 39 signatures.

      19/08/20 wrote to a senior member of the RSA outlining all the issues with 2019 review document.


      15/09/20 EDT portal was acting up again.
      18/09/20 Ruth Coppinger contacted Dominic saying she would be happy to promote Unite ADI page. Ruth Coppinger is a contact of Laura.
      20/09/20 Aidan came up with new campaign logo. Driving Instructors want to TEACH,

      T Theory (theory test after you get permit, test issues)
      E EDT (any issues relating to EDT)
      A Access (access to test centre during Covid, accompanying driver)
      C Check Test (removal/ overhaul or consultation with ADI’s)
      H Healthy Relationship (Respect from the RSA)

      Laura did a Facebook media campaign.

      22/09/20 EDT portal showing error message again.
      23/09/20 Dominic contacted RTE Joe Duffy show to try and highlight our concerns, still awaiting a response.

    3. Member’s Bulletin # 3

      ADI Unite Union Members
      Bulletin (Number 3)25 October 2020COMMITTEE 2
      OTHER 5


      Chairperson: Dominic Brophy
      Secretary: Darragh Dunne
      Equality Officer: Laura Broxson
      Treasurer: Rita Kennedy
      Auditor: James Mooney
      Learning Representative: Aidan Jordan
      Recruitment Officers: Brian Hewitt

      Our Union rep is Jean O’Dowd, Unite and Laura keeps her updated daily with any emails, letters or calls.

      ADI Union Zoom Meetings – 08/10/20, 23/10/20

      19/10/20 Laura and Dominic had a zoom meeting with Deputy Mick Barry (Solidarity, People before Profit). Issues below were discussed and he mentioned about contacting the Oireachtas Committee for Transport to arrange a meeting for us to attend.

      23/10/20 Mick Barry TD, said he will continue with calls and emails to Eamon Ryan to obtain answers to our questions.
      Union Membership – How many members?

      All media posts to contain a link on joining the Union.

      29/09/20 Derek Evans discussed with fellow ADI’s at local test centre the work that Unite have done to date.
      Back to Work Safety Protocols from the RSA

      08/10/20 Stephen Murphy emailed Laura stating that driving testers do not have to clean the car after the test is finished.
      ADI stakeholder forum: Does it represent all ADI’s?

      11/10/20 Darragh emailed Unite members to encourage them to ask a question to their local forum representative, to be read at the next forum meeting.

      Waiting Room Facilities

      • James received a reply from Darren O Rourke TD, no progress due to Covid response from RSA.
      • Brian got the same reply from Anthony Connaghan Sinn Fein.

      29/09/20 Jean from Unite asked Paul Murphy TD to see if Minister Eamon Ryan will provide ‘Ultra cabins’ to provide shelter at driving test centres.

      • ADI Unite Branch sent a letter of support to Spike Island workers who are also without a toilet.
      • Joan Collins TD replied to Jean offering support to help ADI’s.
      • Dominic records video outside Finglas driving test centre.

      • Minister Naughton responded to an email from Dominic and forwarded it to Eamon Ryan.
      • Eamon Ryan responds to email from Dominic and forwards to Minister Naughton.

      • FM104 and Q102 covered the story.
      • Irish Examiner did a story which was shared on Facebook.
      • Paul Mc Auliffe (Fianna Fail TD) contacted Laura by phone.
      • Dominic did an interview with RTE at Finglas driving test centre, RSA driving test supervisor asked not to film in the car park.
      • The Journal, Irish Times and breakingnews.ie also covered the story of protest outside Finglas.

      04/10/20 Darragh wrote to Irish Translators and Interpreters Association and the Immigrant Council of Ireland to seek feedback on translators denied access to driving test centres.

      07/10/20 Louise O’Reilly TD received a reply from Eamon Ryan saying there is “no requirement in law for driving instructors to attend test centres with learners sitting driving tests.”

      09/10/20 Laura posted on Facebook regarding the confusion between Minister Ryan and Minister Naughton over who should talk to ADI’s.

      12/10/20 Laura did an interview for socialist party newsletter.

      14/10/20 Laura did a Facebook post to highlight driving test waiting rooms are now being turned into offices and canteens.

      • Darren O’Rourke (Sinn Fein Transport spokesperson and also Unite member) rang Dominic and asked to email our concerns to him.
      • Jean received a response from Minister Ryan saying there is “no requirement in law for a driving instructor to be at the driving test centre”
      • Laura received a reply from RSA quoting Covid and limiting access to test centres as the reason for closing waiting rooms and toilets.

      18/10/20 Dominic emailed Darren O’Rourke highlighting our ADI Union concerns.

      22/10/20 Louise O’Reilly asked Eamon Ryan if the RSA would provide alternative facilities at driving test centres. Eamon Ryan has referred this question onto the RSA.
      Driving Test Centre Unofficial Protest – Every Friday 10am

      29/09/20 Laura did a Facebook campaign, “join your local protest”.

      01/10/20 James put up posters temporarily around test routes in Cavan.

      02/10/20 Finglas protest and media coverage.

      09/10/20 Finglas protest.

      16/10/20 Finglas protest.

      23/10/20 Finglas protest.

      ADI Check Test – one of the issues highlighted with ADI member survey

      30/09/20 Laura did a Facebook campaign on the risk to ADI’s the check test presents.

      12/10/20 Laura did a Facebook post on this issue.

      13/10/20 Laura, Dominic and Rita requested their ADI forum representative to inform the RSA that check tests are not valid at this time.

      15/10/20 Hildegarde Naughton replied to Dominic saying check tests are mandatory to be carried out every two years and will continue with role-play.

      16/10/20 Paul McAuliffe TD emailed Laura to say he received a reply from the RSA quoting bi-annual check test regulation, as the reason check tests should continue.

      18/10/20 Dominic replied to Hildegarde Naughton’s secretary highlighting our concerns and answering previous email.

      19/10/20 Denise Doolan received a reply from Department of Transport quoting S.I No. 203/2009 Road Traffic (Driving Instructor Licensing) (No. 2) Regulations 2009. They also confirmed that role-play is the preferred safer option at present.

      22/10/20 Check tests stopped citing Covid 19 restrictions for Level 5 lockdown.

      Poor Communication from the RSA regarding Level 4 and 5 restrictions

      • Level 4 lockdown in Cavan, Monaghan and Donegal, no clarity given about driving lessons during lockdown. James wrote to RSA and Garda to seek clarification.
      • RSA replied to James saying No change in level 4. NDLS, NCT, theory test, CVRT and driving testing will continue.
      • Paul McGuckin contacted the RSA to seek clarification as to where it advises that ADI’s are an essential service.
      • Bobby Dunphy sent a similar email to the RSA enquiring for clarification on the new rules for ADI in Level 5. RSA replied advising they are guided from the Department of Transport.

      16/10/20 Confusion about whether driving instructors can work in Level 5 restrictions.

      • Amanda (RSA) said in a call to Rita that her interpretation about lockdown was that anyone with a driving test application could continue driving lessons. A lot of confusion, still at this stage.
      • Albert Mulligan received a reply from RSA regarding EDT lessons continuing during lockdown – they replied that they were awaiting clarification.
      • Helena got further clarification from a student working in Department of Justice regarding level 5 restrictions.

      • Stephen Murphy advised the forum, that the RSA are still seeking clarification from the Department of Transport on what lessons can be delivered during level 5 lockdown.
      • Dominic had a phone call with Tayra (Unite organizer for Motor Mechanics division) confirming that they had a zoom with the RSA for Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030.
      Has the ADI stakeholder forum had a discussion about the Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030? If not, this is an error on the RSAs side in failing to acknowledge the value of driver training in road safety in Ireland.
      • RSA issued an update on their website to advise that only essential service workers are allowed to continue with a driving test and pre-test training. This information was not emailed to ADI’s until after Forum was contacted.
      • John Leonard shared information about a temporary driving test centre opening up in Limerick, which was sent to a student and not ADI’s to date.

      • James received an email from Garda Roads Policing about teaching in Level 4 restrictions; copied ink to government guidelines was their response.
      • Rhona (Unite) contacted Laura with following information – Darren O’Rourke proposed to ask Minister for Social Protection if ADI’s could continue with Covid payment similar to Taxi drivers if monthly income was below allowed threshold of €480.
      • Helena received email from First Ireland stating that driving lessons outside of current guidelines would not be covered for insurance.

      25/10/20 Laura did a Facebook post highlighting the lack of clarification on “what happens if non-essential worker is stopped on the way to driving test? “

      28/09/20 EDT portal was not functioning properly again, Brian.

      02/10/20 Paul Mc Guckin wrote to Tim O Brien (journalist) asking for a breakdown of the 80,000 people waiting for a driving test.

      03/10/20 Survey results on issues concerning Unite ADI members:

      31% – Check tests to be changed to a CPC / classroom based training session with no fail element.
      25% – Access to facilities at test centres.
      13% – Immediate suspension of check tests during Covid, with a full review.
      13% – Updating / removal of the logbook system.
      6% – Increase the required number of EDT lessons.
      6% – Recognised representation of ADIs.
      6% – Increase union membership.

      05/10/20 Aidan received a response to query on EDT portal not working, in future any questions on EDT portal to lmunnelly@rsa.ie .

      06/10/20 Kevin Ayres suggested a review of IBT with theory test after classroom theory followed by module 5 in compound and remaining training when permit arrives.

      29/10/20 Darragh sent an email to Ministers Naughton and Ryan asking to change the legislation so we didn’t have to do check tests or use log books during covid and that we don’t have to carry the big id badges with us as we are currently legally required to do.

    4. Member’s Bulletin # 4

      ADI Unite Union Members
      Bulletin (Number 4)29 November 2020COMMITTEE 2
      OTHER 5


      Chairperson: Dominic Brophy
      Secretary: Darragh Dunne
      Equality Officer: Laura Broxson
      Treasurer: Rita Kennedy
      Auditor: James Mooney
      Learning Representative: Aidan Jordan
      Recruitment Officers: Brian Hewitt

      We would like to welcome Andrew (Andy) Murray and Albert (Ali) Mulligan who joined the committee in November.

      Our Union rep is Jean O Dowd, Unite and Laura keeps her updated daily with any emails, letters or calls.

      ADI Union Zoom Meetings:

      • 05/11/20 meeting for all members
      • 16/11/20 Tayra Unite hosting with Committee
      • 23/11/20 Tayra Unite hosting with Committee

      29/10/20 Laura had conversation with Jean, would like to have a list of all emails sent to RSA since August including replies. Keep it short with date, subject of email and response date. Have we compiled this list to date?

      Union Membership – How many members?

      All media posts to contain a link on joining the Union.

      19/11/20 Laura set up Unite ADI Twitter account; https://twitter.com/uniteadi

      • Dominic, Brian, Laura, James and Darragh hosted a zoom meeting with ADI’s in Galway to answer any questions they had concerning the Unite ADI Union.
      • Rita and Laura started the big task of recording how many ADI’s there are in Ireland.

      28/11/20 Laura, Brian, Dominic and Darragh called ADI’s in Galway for membership canvassing.

      Back to Work Safety Protocols from the RSA:

      27/10/20 Darragh receives a reply from Sam Waide to an ADI in relation to handling of logbooks during Covid. Reply from Sam Waide recommends the use of gloves, sprays and wipes to be used when viewing Learner permits and handling cash.

      29/10/20 Darragh sent an email to Eamon Ryan and Hildegarde Naughton highlighting the road traffic statute in relation to handling log books during Covid and necessary changes.

      ADI Stakeholder Forum: Does it represent all ADI’s?

      09/11//20 Dominic wrote to the forum enquiring what recommendations they made in relation to:
      • PPE during Covid
      • The term of ADI forum members
      • Results of the investigation into a driving school working during first Covid-19 lockdown

      12/11/20 RSA responded to a question from Darragh stating that there are 11 ADI stakeholders on the forum. Tom Murphy was co-opted in 2019 and all other members appointed in March 2017. Due to Covid-19 next elections will take place in early 2021.

      25/11/20 Stephen Murphy emailed Dominic stating that he has asked all forum members to reply to ADI questions as soon as reasonably possible. Stephen counteracted with a previous statement from RSA on 12/11/20 and said that a vacancy arose from the Stakeholders forum in the Dublin area and Tom Murphy was nominated. The vacancy arose from Audrey Coogan who covered the Carlow, Naas and Tallaght area and is now a driving tester.

      Waiting Room Facilities

      26/10/20 Dominic wrote to Sam Waide as the newly appointed CEO of the RSA.

      28/10/20 Laura uploads Facebook post highlighting that even now as essential workers we are still not allowed to wash our hands at driving test centres.

      30/10/20 Joan Collins will highlight this issue in the Dail and the ridiculous statement from Eamon Ryan that ADI’s don’t legally have to attend a driving test centre with test candidate.

      31/10/20 Dominic wrote to Hildegarde Naughton seeking an answer to an email sent on this issue in June 2020.

      • Andrew Murray spoke very well on Ocean FM highlighting this issue.
      • Laura uploads Facebook post to highlight this issue.

      • Thomas Pringle TD asked the minister for transport if ADI’s can access toilet facilities. Minister again repeated reply that driving instructors do not have to attend driving test centres.
      • James Mooney recorded a video waiting outside Cavan driving test centre.
      • Ian wrote to the RSA highlighting health issues for ADI’s standing out in all weathers and recommends that the ADI registration fee be waived on next renewal as a goodwill gesture.

      10/11/20 Dominic and Jean from Unite drafted a press statement on this issue.

      • Brian Hewitt recorded a video waiting outside Raheny driving test centre.
      • Rita and Andrew recorded a video waiting outside Sligo driving test centre. This video was mentioned in the dail and received 7,200 views.
      • Eamonn Ryan responded to Laura reiterating that ADI’s do not have to attend or wait at driving test centres.

      12/11/20 Mick Barry and Darren O Rourke again brought up the issue in the Dail. Videos of questions being put to Hildegarde Naughton in the Dail are shared on ADI social media platforms to show the amount of attention the Union is getting for their campaign to restore a basic human right to all ADI’s.

      13/11/20 Laura did an interview on the LMFM Michael Reade show.

      • Darragh was interviewed by the Irish Times.
      • Darragh and Aidan recorded interviews with RTE Radio at Finglas driving test centre.
      • Derek was interviewed for Newstalk radio.

      18/11/20 Ian Daly recorded video for having No facilities at Mulhuddart driving test centre.

      19/11/20 The Sligo Champion newspaper covered the story.

      20/11/20 Dominic emailed Hildegarde Naughton to highlight how emails sent to date have been ignored.

      25/11/20 Dominic pointed out again to Hildegarde Naughton of ADI’s having to attend test centres as 50% of driving tests conducted in driving school cars.

      Driving Test Centre Unofficial Protest – every Friday 10am:

      30/10/20 Finglas protest.
      06/11/20 Finglas protest.
      11/11/20 Brian and Dominic have protest outside Raheny.
      13/11/20 Finglas protest.
      20/11/20 Finglas protest.

      ADI Check Test – one of the issues highlighted with ADI member survey

      27/10/20 Laura received information regarding the check test every two years regulation but No mention of type of check test to be conducted.

      29/10/20 Darragh emailed Eamon Ryan and Hildegarde Naughton highlighting the road traffic statute in relation to check tests.

      04/11/20 Laura received a reply from Hildegarde Naughton’s secretary stating the statute that check tests should be completed every two years and tester would use role-play to be safer.

      17/11/20 Rita received a reply from the RSA again reiterating the regulation that check tests should be completed every two years.

      • Dominic made the point again to Hildegarde Naughton about check tests not being safe during Covid-19.
      • Dominic sent a survey to ADI Unite members to see what they would like to replace the current check test system. Result favours a training session maximum 2 hours every two years with no pass/ fail criteria.
      • James sent letter to QQI to see if the current check test is up to standards.

      • Darragh sent an email to Eamon Ryan and Hildegarde Naughton highlighting the road traffic statute in relation to the small ADI badges, which the RSA are No longer issuing.
      • Aidan highlighted the amount of Dail requests being put to Hildegarde Naughton in relation to delay in receiving a driving test appointment. She mentioned that driver testing was reduced from 8 to 5 tests per day to reduce close contacts for driving testers. The Department is under pressure to keep driving testing capabilities up.

      01/11/20 Darragh updated Unite ADI Union webpage – htpps://adidriving.ie

      02/11/20 Albert drafted a document to send to ADI Forum members from Unite ADI Union to present to the RSA about the issues we need resolving by working with the RSA during Covid-19 period.

      05/11/20 Jean from Unite wrote to Sam Waide (CEO RSA) to request that he appoints a person from the RSA to engage directly with ADI issues going forward.

      09/11/20 Laura uploaded a Facebook post highlighting TD’s such as Mick Barry, Joan Collins, Darren O Rourke, Louise O Reilly, Brid Smith, Paul Murphy, Thomas Pringle and Paul Mc Auliffe have all submitted questions to Eamon Ryan and Hildegarde Naughton on our behalf.

      10/11/20 Darragh drafted a document on suggestions from ADI instructors on how to reduce driving test backlog and continues to work on document with an updated draft on 13/11/20.

      14/11/20 Darragh highlighted the dangers of electric scooters with speeds from 30-50km/h achievable.

      27/11/20 Darragh received a reply from Louise O Reilly’s department about producing one Bill to make the statute changes necessary to fix all the current legal statutes we will need to change. This will take time to complete and preparatory work will start.

      A lot of poor communication from the RSA in relation to Level 5 restrictions

      27/10/20 Laura received a reply from the RSA in relation to non-emergency persons sitting driving test during lockdown. The RSA advised that they have not been notified to date of a Covid transmission from a driving test. They also stated that where the call centre personal become aware of a candidate not being an emergency worker they advise them to cancel their driving test date.

      28/10/20 Bobby received a confusing reply from the RSA in relation to the RSA staff member saying it was up to each individual ADI to decide to work or not during restrictions.

      29/10/20 Laura received a reply from RSA regarding hiring out a driving school car to non-essential worker and they repeat the line that it is up to the individual to cancel. Laura replied asking for a specific answer to the question she asked.

      30/10/20 Joan Collins will highlight this issue in the Dail.

      31/10/20 Laura received an email from RSA stating that it was up to the Garda to police people attending driving test as non-essential worker.

      04/11/20 Mick Barry TD asked in the Dail to the Department of Transport who is liable if a driving test takes place with a non-essential worker. Reply stated that the RSA and driving instructors are “acting in good faith”.

      06/11/20 Louise O Reilly TD asked the Department of Transport if making ADI’s essential workers is putting them under pressure to keep working. The Department replied that driving schools are private companies free to make their own decisions.

      12/11/20 Minister Naughton’s Department emailed Laura in response to a request to meet and discuss issues. The Minister declined stating:

      “The Minister is not the employer of Approved Driving instructors and is not in a position to accommodate your request”

      They recommend a meeting with the RSA.

      Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 (Consultation Submission date 18th November 2020)

      01/11/20 Aidan starts drafting a document in relation to ADI submission for Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030.

    5. Member’s Bulletin # 5

      ADI Unite Union Members
      Bulletin (Number 5)27 December 2020COMMITTEE 2
      OTHER: 3


      Chairperson: Dominic Brophy
      Secretary: Darragh Dunne
      Equality Officer: Laura Broxson
      Treasurer: Rita Kennedy
      Auditor: James Mooney
      Administration: Brian Hewitt, Andrew Murray, Albert Mulligan and Aidan Jordan

      Our Union rep is Jean O Dowd, Unite and Laura keeps her updated daily with any emails, letters or calls.

      ADI Union Zoom Meetings –
      • 30/11/20 Tayra Unite meeting with Committee
      • 15/12/20 Tayra Unite hosting with Committee, Albert drew up some points to discuss concerning the lack of guidance from the RSA since March 2020.

      Union Membership – How many members?

      All media posts to contain a link on joining the Union.

      13/12/20 Rita finalised the huge task of compiling a log of driving instructors in Ireland. Thanks to this work we can now monitor the profession going forward in statistical terms. There are currently 1,761 ADI’s registered in Ireland.

      20/12/20 Rita updated the log of driving instructors in Ireland to make it more user friendly.
      ADI stakeholder forum: Does it represent all ADI’s?

      11/12//20 Dominic received a reply from a Forum Representative repeating the RSA’s stance on questions asked, Dominic reply acknowledged the frustration felt by most ADI’s in relation to existence of the forum.

      Waiting Room Facilities:

      30/11/20 Rita rang Sligo driving test supervisor to get update on access to facilities. The supervisor stated they were sticking to HSA guidelines.

      02/12/20 Darren O Rourke questioned Chairperson Liz O’ Donnell who says she would review the situation in the context of moving out of Level 5 restrictions.

      04/12/20 Dominic recorded a video at Finglas driving test centre outside 3C.

      08/12/20 Darren O Rourke and Louise O Reilly brought up this issue under Dail questions.

      14/12/20 Laura designed Facebook post with “RSA Grinch”

      Driving Test Centre Unofficial Protest – every Friday 10am:

      04/12/20 Finglas protest.
      11/12/20 Finglas protest.
      18/12/20 Finglas protest.

      ADI Check Test – one of the issues highlighted with ADI member survey

      30/11/20 James highlighted the fact that, check test is pass or fail. 16 core competencies is the only method of passing the ADI Check Test. This was sent to QQI to query the way ADI’s are assessed every two years.

      22/12/20 Philip’s check test scheduled for 30th December was cancelled by the RSA.


      • Dominic secured a deal with DCI Ireland to make a fuel card available to all ADI Union Unite members. He managed to have the €18 annual subscription fee waived.
      • Mick shared an Irish Times article talking about waiting list for driving test stretching into summer 2021.

      05/12/20 Laura uploaded a Facebook post highlighting the confusion on NDLS site in relation to extension for driving licenses.

      07/12/20 Sean queried if the RSA cancel a driving test with short notice can the applicant claim back cost of car hire. There seems to be a precedent where the RSA have previously paid these costs, however there does not seem to be a set procedure to lodge a claim.

      • David queried a disparity between driving licence extensions and the information on NDLS calculator.
      • Philip shared the news that you can now do a theory test for buses, trucks, driver CPC and ADI part 1 online. The RSA have not contacted ADI’s about this to date.

      09/12/20 Brian shared the news of new driving test centre to be opened in Drogheda for March 2021 with 2 testers.

      • Fergus highlighted a case where the RSA are querying invoice from an ADI who had a driving test cancelled with short notice. We need to establish a set protocol for this scenario like the DVLA have in the UK.
      • Ian mentioned situations where driving tests have been cancelled without reason – this appears to be getting increasingly more common now.

      • Rita experienced issues with ordering logbooks online, other ADI’s have reported similar problems.
      • Michael also obtained an error message while trying to order EDT logbooks.

      19/12/20 Irish Examiner ran an article about the ongoing problem of learners using driving test application to renew learner permit and not sitting driving test.

      21/12/20 Philip shared email from the RSA that they are currently recruiting 40 new driving testers.

      • RSA sent a Christmas email to all ADI’s thanking us all for understanding the difficulties at this time with Covid and the important role we carry out to keep the roads safe.
      • Rita shared the information regarding the current recruitment drive for new testers, this is scheduled to be completed in April 2021.

      Poor communication from the RSA in relation to Level 5 restrictions

      30/11/20 James contacted Forum Members to see if driving lessons will return as normal when restrictions are lifted from 1st December. No news or updates from the Forum.

      01/12/20 RSA sent email to all ADI”s explaining the resumption of normal services for EDT as we move out of level 5 restrictions back to level 3.

      22/12/20 Kevin highlighted the situation that motorbikes are treated the same as cars for restrictions even though there is a huge difference with helmets and distance apart.

      24/12/20 RSA emailed all ADI’s on the eve of Christmas lockdown. The email states that they are liaising with The Department of Transport and for now services will continue as normal.

      Myroadsafety.ie learner driver portal launched 01/12/20

      06/12/20 Denise advised of a student who tried to book test but no payment was taken and advised that email would be sent to pay when date available.

      • Aidan confirmed one of his students, on EDT 11, managed to book a driving test in Deansgrange for January 2021.
      • Brian had a student finish EDT last week and got a driving test date for January 2021. The portal is allowing applicants to skip the queue for driving test centres.

      15/12/20 Aidan confirmed that the new portal is not accepting payment for driving tests. The portal tells applicants that it will contact them when ready to book a driving test.

      • Brain confirmed one of his students, when using the portal received a January driving test date for 11th January 2021 without completing EDT and skipping test centre waiting list.
      • Another one of Brian’s students went online 16th December and was offered 14:20 and 15:25 test slots that day in Finglas. Cancellation list does not seem to be working and new applicants can jump ahead using portal.
      • This error now has the possibility for learner drivers without completing EDT to attend the driving test.
      • A queuing system has started to slow the customer flow using the portal. This now means applicants have to wait to access portal, which was supposed to be available for all information on learning to drive process.

      • Rita shared comment about learner getting driving test date with only 7 EDT lessons completed.
      • Brian advised one of his student who was finishing EDT received a test date for January ahead of waiting list.

      • Rita highlighted RSA terms and conditions;

      “you cannot be scheduled for your driving test until we receive confirmation from your ADI instructor that you have the 12 EDT sessions completed.”

      • Philip received a cancellation at 20:57 for driving test next day 12:30 in Mulhuddart due to unforeseen circumstances.
      • Deirdre and Philip K also had similar cancellations this week in Portlaoise and Dublin test centres.

      • Sean advised of a student with test date 13th January but only had 10 EDT driving lessons completed.
      • Joe noticed that applications for urgent driving test appointments had a self-declaration section, are the RSA using this method of monitoring candidates who have not completed all EDT driving lessons before the test?

    6. Latest News – Special discount on fuel for members

      We have secured a deal with DCI fuel cards for a 3 cent discount on petrol and diesel. Usually the best discount you can get is 2 cent. This will more than pay for your membership fees. Unite union membership does have many more discounts too. For the latest news make sure your in our WhatsApp group. If you are not already a member please contact us to be added.