Emergency Packs in Cars

May 14th, 2015

Allied Driving Instructors encourages people to carry emergency packs in cars. We have been carrying them in our work cars and our personal cars for many years. Additional items such as jump leads, an extendable wheel brace and spare bulbs are recommended.

As part of the Road Safety Strategy 2013-2020, it is proposed to Make it compulsory for a breakdown emergency pack in cars, including a first aid kit, a high visibility vest, a breakdown triangle and a torch to be carried in all vehicles (Action 105). In order to provide the Department of Transport Tourism and Sport with a more robust basis for potentially implementing Action 105, the Road Safety Authority wishes to engage in a public consultation, and is seeking feedback from the following groups: –
Members of the general public
Health professionals, particularly those involved in emergency medicine
Members of the motor industry
Emergency personnel
Safety equipment suppliers
Other interested parties

What is this consultation about?

The RSA believes that there is a potential road safety benefit associated with the introduction of emergency packs in vehicles. The RSA is carrying out a public consultation in order to establish the opinion of a wide range of stakeholders on proposals for introducing emergency packs in cars. Typical items include; a first aid kit, a high visibility vest, a breakdown triangle and a torch, as standard for vehicles. A number of options are being considered, for example whether or not these emergency pack items should be introduced in private cars registered from 1st January 2016 only, or for all private cars including those registered pre 2015.

Your comments

The consultation period begins on 13th May 2015 and the closing date for submissions is the Friday 12th June 2015. You can request a paper copy of the consultation survey by emailing info@rsa.ie. Please put ‘Public Consultation Emergency Packs’ in the subject field and include your name and address in the email.

Category: RSA Press Release